Friday, March 17, 2017

Atok 🌸

Assalamualaikum Atok,

Sebelum mula, Al Fatihah untuk atok. 

Terlalu banyak kenangan yang tak dapat dikira. Semua event seri boleh ada dengan atok tapi sejak2 seri kahwin baru 5 bulan ni, rasa bersalah tak terbendung sebab jarang tengok atok bila atok sihat. Maaf sangat2 atok. Seri belum pandai bahagi kan masa utk semua tu sebab baru kahwin. Apa pun seri nak ucap terima kasih sangat2 sebab ada dengan seri pada setiap event besar seri. 

Atok ada masa seri convo Diploma, atok ada masa nikah seri, atok ada masa kahwin seri, atok ada masa convo Degree seri yang mana tak semua cucu atok dapat semua ni. Yelah, tak semua yang kita minta Allah akan bg, tapi percaya, Dia Maha Mendengar. Dia Maha Pengasih. Masing2 mesti ada special event dengan atok sebab.. sebab.. sebab atok sayang kan kami. :'(

Dia ambil atok selepas seri jumpa atok for the last time. Walaupun time tu atok tak sedar, tapi atok pandang seri bila seri bangun / bergerak ke mana2. Allah sayang atok.

Allah dah susun segalanya untuk atok. Rindu bukan kepalang. Allahu Akbar. Allahumma Solli Ala Saiyidina Muhammad Wa'alaa Aalihi Saiyidina  Muhammad. 

InsyaAllah atok, seri nak pergi umrah bulan 4 ni. Harapan mmg nak bawak atok, tapi seri belum mampu. Seri pergi dengan ayah man, mama, syafiq (suami seri), abang i, ummu. Selalunya seri akan btau atok tentang apa2 berita. Tapi kali ni seri takdapat n tak berkesempatan nak btau atok.

Atok, youre the first man in my life. Jujurnya ayah jatuh number 2. Atok faham seri sangat2. 

Ingat lagi masa raya, time tu ada masalah sikit. Lepas tu, macam biasa masa kita salam2 raya, seri burst out semua sekali n atok kata 'baca surah taha', seri tak btau atok pun tapi atok tahu sebab apa. 

(To be continued) 

Al Fatihah ❤️

Saturday, March 19, 2016

My first part-time working experience! :)

Assalamualaikum guys, here we meet again :) Hehehe, today I would like to share one short story of mine related to my very first working experience. Takdalah official keje sangat pun sebab keje ni guna qualification SPM je. Tapi okay apa, kan? Hehehe okay lah, start lah ye. Panjang bebel bebel boleh jadi keluar tajuk nnt.

Okay, I have been working with General Insurance company at Seremban (Bangunan MARA) for one and a half month only. Skop keje kat sini ialah renew roadtax (MyEG Kiosk) dan insurance kenderaan Malaysia. System MyEG jugak boleh pakai untuk bayar saman, renew lesen (company aku tak buat lesen), renew passport untuk maid. Other than general insurance, company ni jugak provide service insurance life (Takaful Ikhlas) untuk sapa2 nak reg untuk life insurance boleh private message tepi :D  dan ada 1 lagi business baru. (Banyak boss aku punya business Haha which is very good for him sebab bangsa sendiri ni jarang ada effort yg luar dari kotak ni)

Bangunan MARA Seremban. (Ihsan Google)

Tapi keje aku hanya renew roadtax & insurance kereta motor etc je. Yang bayar2 saman ni aku tak berapa nak pandai. Cerita pasal pengalaman, the experience that I have here banyak tolong aku dari segi social life. Means aku yang dulu nya jangan harap nak bertegur sapa sangat dengan org yang aku tak kenal tapi lepas aku keje situ, level keperamahan aku meningkat dari 0% ke 60% lah which is banyak jugak utk beginner macam aku. Hahaha amboi T_T

Okay, benda best bila kau keje menghadap orang ni ialah kau boleh belajar cara untuk deal dengan customer yang banyak karenah. Mostly customer aku ialah Melayu, ada jugak Cina & India. Jujurnya, character setiap kaum sangat lain. Melayu ada yang educated, ada yang terlebih educated tapi keluar scope, ada yang taktahu langsung tapi bg aku benda ni pengalaman & bukan senang nak deal ye mula2 sebab waktu first day aku keje bukan main aku ketaq weh duduk depan counter. Haha. 

After one week, aku dah boleh faham dah system dia, tahu dah nak keyed in insurance kereta, motor. Nak check NCD , check saman dan sebagainya. Sayang sebenarnya nak lepaskan keje ni tapi apa boleh buat, opportunity yang lebih baik takkan datang lebih dari sekali kan, so I just grabbed the offer after I have one month and a half experience here.

Contoh MyEG Machine :)

So, last but not least, sesiapa nak renew road tax, insurance kereta/motor/lorry ke boleh lah drive kan kenderaan anda ke Kiosk MyEG cawangan Seremban di Bangunan MARA Seremban (YCM Excellent) and satu lagi cawangan di Port Dickson, lepas round aboard dr highway Seremban-PD (sebelah/depan hospital Im not really sure). Or else you guys can drop your call or whatsapp/message the details you need to this number 

Seremban/Port Dickson

Office 06 762 5478
Puan Yati : 016 658 6529


G-03, Bangunan Seremban Plaza (BGN MARA)
Jalan Dato' Muda Linggi,
70100 Seremban, N.sembilan

(Andai kata anda dr PD, boleh je cakap detail pada no diatas, tp state kan yang anda ingin buat service kat PD :) *tak ingat no PD sebenarnya mueheheee :P )

Or else, you can just email to me at . Kalau korang jauh, kami akan post kan. No need to worry k? Syaratnya, korang kena bgtahu kitorang 3 hari awal sebelum roadtax korang expired (atleast, jangan lebih) Document yang kitorang nak hanya 

1. Salinan cover note insurance lama. (snap gambar/scan je)
2. Atau, salinan geran depan & belakang. (snap gambar/scan je)
3. Dah dapat detail, kitorang akan kirakan. Dapat je harga, kitorang akan confirmkan harga dengan korang via call/message/whatsapp which ever come first. (Kalau ada problem, kitorang akan inform)
4. Once confirmed, kitorang ON kan insurance & roadtax, lepas tu korang boleh buat payment untuk kita postkan/self pickup at our office. *Kalau area Seremban, kami akan hantar ke rumah ikut availability masa boss/staff kat situ. :)
5. Payment detail nnt boss akan state kan macam mana nak buat :) 

Note: Masa email/call/whatsapp/message. Sila statekan nama, address, email & phone number. Senang utk kita contact korang nnt. 

(snap gambar & email kan/whatsappkan/message (MMS) kan gambar tu. Okay? Company ada email, tapi dorang tak check sebab dorang lagi prefer dengan live customer. So, aku boleh tolong apa yang patut since dah tak keje pun, tapi aku still je buatkan insurance kereta motor kengkawan and sedara kat sini :) 

Okay lah, til we meet again with another story. :) Thanks for reading by the way !

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Only for 13 days.

Salam semua.

I just arrived at home from sending my mom to umrah at the airport. Well, at first memang okay je aku ni. Sekali bila dah nak anta kat gate departure, I cant even hold my tears and it burst out. Totally and lagi teruk dari hari raya. :( :( :( Oh my, hahaha only Allah knows how I feel. Okay lah, apa yang aku harap sekarang ni, mak aku happy kat sana. Buat yang terbaik untuk diri sendiri. Beribadah dengan khusyuk tanpa fikirkan apa masalah dunia. Pergi cari jalan penyelesaian & balik dengan solution yang dah memang ready untuk dilaksanakan. InsyaAllah.

Pada yang baca ni, mintak tolong doakan mak aku au. Thanks in advanced anyway. Okay, lets wait for 8th March. Heee. Sebab masa tu mak dah balik. Weehuuuu. Mesti korang pelik kenapa aku emo sangat kan? Biasa lah mana pernah mak g jauh2 macam tu. Sedih tau tak :( Lucky me sebab ayah ada teman kat sini. Kalau tak, lagi aku sendu, MC 1 week. :') Hahaha. Over kan?

Okay lah, dlm kesempatan ni aku bakal promote satu product kosmetik yang baru ala-ala wonder glow tapi yang ni much better than that product and aku tengah on the way consume product ni. Lepas dah 1 month, I will update the story and advertise kan product tu officially. Doakan ye. InsyaAllah yang ni memang 100% dijamin halal & selamat sebab orang buat dia memang berkemahiran tinggi since he was one of the Petronas team few years back and his wife was from MAS :) Plus I will be an authorized agent and no worries on fake product problems. :)

Done iklan, berbalik kepada kisah mak aku tadi. Kepada Allah aku bersandar and aku titipkan Dia saja yang boleh menjaga mak aku sepanjang mak aku kat sana. InsyaAllah everything will be fine.

Mak, take care. Muah ciked Hihihishhh :*

Thank You for reading ! :)

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Back To Basic.


Hm, what story should I tell you guys eh? Aku rasa nak cerita benda2 yang best je like sharing recipes, tips for skin care (the way I did), what food did I took after teeth maintenance and some more. But it looks like a little too late for me to type those things now. Sebabnya now is my bed time and tadi 1 hari suntuk takda buat benda pun, duk melangok je. Okay tipu, ada jugak lah tengok tv, makan semua. Gila kau tak makan T_T

Hm, how to start eh. Aku rasa macam nak start balik activekan blog ni since rumah dah activate wifi. Kena lah gunakan kemudahan yang ada ni kan. Sementara ada masa ni kan. Okay2 taknak banyak2 sangat menyimpang kang sampai puku 11 takda lagi ceritanya. Langsung save as draft and to be continue in few months later. Nangis lagi sekali.

Back to basic means here is to do come back from fitrah sebenar to what it should be placed for. Makna dia, kalau dulu kau seorang penyabar n lepas beberapa keadaan that have passed by years, kau tiba2 jadi panas baran dek masalah yg kau hadapi. Okay kat sini, kau rasa kau bukan macam tu, dulu kau tak macamni, tapi kenapa sekarang kau marah2. Bila jadi macamni, mesti kau rasa bad mood kan. So, kau kena do something before it goes worse. Apa je yg aku buat (my situation to be exact), aku buat benda yang happykan aku. Lupa kan sekejap masalah dunia ni, sebab masa kau marah2 mana boleh berfikir waras. Better for you to keep calm and think what will be my action after this.

Contoh aku buat tadi, aku takda cukup duit / masa nak window shopping. So, I did window shopping in online version. See, boleh je. At that time, kau boleh lah rangkakan apa yg kau nak beli nanti, so that masa dah cukup budget, boleh beli tanpa sebarang kecelaruan fikiran bila nampak barang yg kau tak perlu. Sebab kau dh siap list kau. See, cara macamni dah boleh buat kau okay sikit.

One more thing, benda yang tak perlu kau fikir, kau takpayah sebok2 nak masuk campur. Sebab bila kau fikir lebih2, tak jadi apa kalau kau tak buat apa2. Jadinya, kau sendiri yang touching sendiri. Bila rasa je nak berfikir, fikir dulu apa faedah kau fikir kalau akibatnya kau akan stress kan diri kau sendiri. As conclusion, free kan kepala once kau rasa bad mood. Mohon jangan expresskan kat orang keliling, Kalau boleh, simpan sendiri. nak lepaskan pun, buat cara kau sendiri. Like writing blog about fairy tales. Hahaaha kenapa fairy tales? Sebab dia kan cerita tak betul so ALWAYS happy ending.

Aku rasa tajuk atas ni patutnya jadi, how to overcome your badmood situation, tapi boleh lah tu back to basic. Pendek sikit. Kang panjang2 jadi apa plak. Okay lah, enough for today. Doakan aku ni boleh taip lagi banyak story macam dulu2. Hehhee. :)

Thank You For Read ! *peace

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Thank you for having me, Twenty Fifteen.

Assalamualaikum / Hello.

Regarding to above title, I am here to give a special thanks to 2015 for having me as an ordinary person. In this year, I have learnt a lot! Met some of new people than usual. Arghhh kepala macam tape, tengah rewind apa yang jadi for 1 year back. Starting on January 1st until today, December 31st. Lets start with new one and we just do it backward. ;) Hehe.

December 2015, I am officially completed my Industrial Training course at Electrical Power Distribution in Nilai, What a great memory to be told. During my learning process in my different field, I do experience the real working environment. What a real life have taught you. Finding a job is not easy and I admit that I didn't give 100% effort to fulfill my dream job criteria. Me myself not even sure about what I am going to be someday and that is why aku start berniaga buah potong masa practical. Alhamdulillah. Ada jugak lah duit poket even at the beginning kitorang short untuk profit. By the time we were selling, we learnt about the future planning and many more about life. 

Selangkah ke hadapan bermakna aku sedang melangkah ke arah kemajuan.
Eh? Haha and tahun ni jugak banyak wedding invitation aku dapat and aku belanja gambar salah 1 drp thousands of em. Bahahah. This bride n groom is the important person of my fiance. (Tertunjuk plak gambar dia T_T) So, Surpriseeee Hewhewhew :') *Bergambar dengan groom's lovely mom)

Bila mana kau duduk sorang2, then orang tanya, apa yang kau pernah contribute untuk diri kau so that people will recognized kau. Suddenly kau blank and takda jawapan sebab kau rasa kau tak buat apa2 sampai lah ke harini which is the final ending of this year. Only then, baru kau realized yang kau dah habis degree and dah nak kawen. So, kena start pikir masa depan. Semua benda ni aku start pikir sekarang. Ya Allah, May Allah ease everything. 

August 2015, my best friend girl has finally becomes a wife to the one she loves :) Alhamdulillah. Tears again :') Hehe. Banyak kitorang tempuh sama2. Zaman diploma dulu sampailah dia kawen. Aku nangis masa kau kawen. Serious Sai! Hahahaha. Malu itteww T_T Nangis cakap macamtu. Huhuhu Alhamdulillah kau dah jumpa orang yang betul2 boleh jaga kau sebaiknya. Aku doakan Semoga Allah sentiasa merahmati & melindungi perkahwinan kau sampai bila bila. Jaga dir sebaik2nya okay. And thank you sebab ambik aku jadi one of your bridesmaid, walaupun takdalah membantu sangat. T_T Tapi Thank you so much for letting me to be part of your important people. 

I knew her since Diploma. Started to be close in July 2011 sebab masa tu practical. So, faham2 saja lah Hehehe banyak benda kita hadap sama2. Study sama2. Partner Final Year Project sama2 sampailah kita jauh sikit bila kau fly to further your study abroad. I thought you would forget me once you have reached there but you won't. Heeee. Okay okay dah! Rindu kau sebenarnya wink hehe. Take care & have a good life ahead okay dearie. Love you ! 

On my engagement day :')
On Sai's solemnization ceremony outdoor photoshoot :')

Le bridesmaids :')

June 2015, I am officially completed my paper for my degree along with Final Year Project. Ya Allah, kalau kau tahu betapa leganya aku habiskan degree aku tanpa ada sebarang F dalam result aku. CUMA, aku rasa terkilan tentang grade yang aku dapat pada Final Year Project aku. Seolah2 aku hantar thesis yang tebal nya 90 pages tapi isinya kosong. It means that you submit your double A A4 paper tu kat Supervisor kau. But THAT WAS OKAY, sebab aku terus dapat migrain once Im arrived at home. 

Buat pertama kalinya aku menangis dapat result. Aku happy dengan result subject core aku. Allah Tahu mana usaha aku selama ni. Ye, aku admit banyak salah aku dengan Dia selama aku study. Jatuh bangun aku, Dia tak pernah kata aku takboleh buat. Bangun malam, siapkan thesis, study faham and hafal systems kapal (turbine, thermofluids, math 1 & 2, piston 2, logistics, C++, airlines economics, material fabrication, and many more) Alhamdulillah aku berjaya sampai ke penghujung dengan usaha sendiri & morale support daripada parents, tunang & sahabat. Cuma, ada je insan2 yang tak nampak usaha aku. Aku anggap ada hikmah sebalik benda yang jadi, perlahan lahan emosi aku diperbaiki dengan current lifestyle. Alhamdulillah aku hampir berjaya menerima kenyataan. 

Thank you kepada Supervisor aku kerana telah mengajar aku nilai kemanusiaan yang ada dalam diri. Dengan kenalnya aku dengan dia, aku yakin aku boleh tempoh apa saja jenis orang sebab aku rasa kalau aku boleh hadap Supervisor aku maknanya aku boleh hadap dengan semua orang. Okay, ini lah part yang pahit sikit untuk tahun 2015 aku. 

Post aku semasa ber"motivate". Takpelah, PENGALAMAN.

May 2015, Alhamdulillah. I am officially someone's future wife. Allah Tahu bila masa aku bersedia dan bila masa aku belum. Doa kan kami yang baik2. Tu je yang aku mintak dari yang noticed post ni. Untuk gambar, mungkin aku tunjuk  sikit jelah ye. Sebab tak selesa nak tunjuk secara official lagi, kalau post kat mana2 tu mungkin hanya untuk tunjukkan appreciation of mine for him. That's all, nothing to be showed off lah. Semua orang ada rezeki masing2. 

Cuma nya, nak story sikit je. Before I met him, I do berharap untuk seseorang yang lebih alim dari aku. I do hoping that someone will come to my house and merisik and something like that. It was like orang dulu2 tu. Hahaha how old my brain was thinking about. But I don't make it. Tu semua masa diploma, masa zaman single and tengah dalam keadaan 'soul refreshment' and yes! I do repair myself mentally. I do prepare for my future life. I must move on from past and let the past fly away from my life & starting a new journey of mine. Starting from January 2013 where my degree has started, I do cleared my mind from any kind of relationship. I just do my job as a full-time student which is study. Focusing my life in study and perform well for my degree without any Fails and Alhamdulillah aku dapat!

Sampailah masa bila aku kenal Tunang aku ni. Alhamdulillah Allah betul2 hantar dia masa aku dah betul2 ready untuk ber'relationship' semula. Pada masa aku meminta, Dia belum memberi. Pada masa aku leka & khusyuk terhadap benda lain, Dia perkenankan doa aku. Aku tak pernah meminta yang berlebih2, cuma yang sekufu & boleh bimbing aku betul2 sampai ke syurgaNya. Sujud syukur aku tak henti2 bila dia datang dalam hidup aku. Aku sayang semua orang masa tu. Hahaha :D That was the hikmah kan? See, what Allah has arranged for us. Don't let yourself be in your own way without His help. Have faith on Him.InsyaAllah He will listen to you. Doakan kami ye :) InsyaAllah if you make other's life at ease, He may ease you way 3 kali ganda. 


January 2015, Me & my parents were officially moving out to our new house in Bahau. Where my tiny family will started the journey for colorful life here. Pray for us too. Hehehe. Alhamdulillah finally my family pindah jugak ke rumah sendiri setelah 10 tahun menyewa di Kuarters kerajaan. Apa pun, this years has taught me a beautiful color of life. Thank you for the memory. Apa yang pahit tu, kita semua sama2 rasa, cuma bezanya cara kita tangani masalah. Semua orang ada ujian, semua orang ada kebahagiaan. Allah Tahu hambaNya punya kemampuan untuk sesuatu perkara tu. So, jangan pernah berhenti berharap. Maafkan kami Ya Allah sebab ada jugak hati ini marah dengan takdirmu, tapi apakan daya aku hamba yang sangat kurang sempurna. Maka Kau tiupkanlah dihati kami dengan sifat mahmudah (sabar, ikhlas, redha) dan kau jauhilah kami dari sifat mazmumah (dengki, iri hati, tamak dsb). Dekatkanlah kami dengan bersangka baik. Amin Ya Robb. 

Up there was my beautiful life event in 2015 :') Alhamdulillah for all I have though. Thank you for everything, thank you for all the moments happens in my life. For 2016, I am looking forward for what is going to be happen next. Seriously, I am more than nervous. I only hope that you guys will pray for me and us for having a good memory to be reminded with. Actually, this is the  things that I should share with the public. The rest, will remain to be private. Thank you for read guys and have a good years ahead though. Love you!

Thank you for reading!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

A Place For My Head

A Place For My Head
Linkin Park

I watch how the moon sits in the sky in the dark night
Shining with the light from the sun
And the sun doesn't give light to the moon assuming
The moon’s gonna owe it one
It makes me think of how you act for me
You do favors and then rapidly
You just turn around and start asking me
About things that you want back from me

I’m sick of the tension, sick of the hunger
Sick of you acting like I owe you this
Find another place to feed your greed
While I find a place to rest

I want to be in another place
I hate when you say you don’t understand
(You’ll see it's not meant to be)
I want to be in the energy, not with the enemy
A place for my head

Maybe someday I’ll be just like you
And step on people like you do and
Run away of the people I thought I knew
I remember back then who you were
You used to be calm, used to be strong
Used to be generous but you should’ve known
That you’d wear out your welcome
And now you see how quiet it is, all alone

[Chorus (2x):]
I’m so sick of the tension, sick of the hunger
Sick of you acting like I owe you this
Find another place to feed your greed
While I find a place to rest

I want to be in another place
I hate when you say you don't understand
(You'll see it's not meant to be)
I want to be in the energy, not with the enemy
A place for my head

You try to take the best of me
Go away

I want to be in another place
I hate when you say you don't understand
(You'll see it's not meant to be)
I want to be in the energy, not with the enemy
A place for my head

Shut up....what!

I’m so sick of the tension (shut)
Sick of the hunger
Sick of you acting like I owe you this
Find another place to feed your greed (up)
While I find a place to rest

I’m so sick of the tension (what)
Sick of the hunger
Sick of you acting like I owe you this
Find another place to feed your greed (stay away from me)
While I find a place to rest

p/s: Used to hear this song when Im sleepy. It works on me Hahaha : D

Monday, October 26, 2015

Planner or Schedule arrangement.


Being organized is something that I love and interested with. If the things did not turn like what I want it to be, there will be an event where I feel uncomfortable with. It will automatically turning my day into bad day just because my plan was not on its path. This is me. Jangan bermain dengan api. (Cewahh, acah2 je hahaha)

The October is nearly leaves us. How time flies isn't it? If Im not mistaken, my previous two posts was on the 18th! That's not the point, the point here is, I just got to know that our plan organizer or what we called it before as a diary has different types of categories and they even have their own names! Oh my goodness, how unacknowledged I am. Yeah! I feel worst! I thought 'the diary look' is just like a normal diary, they have name and its function actually.

Thanks to Dr Halina for acknowledge me, the one who is 'terlalu rajin' to read up. Take it as a lesson Zaa! Okay, here it is. There are three categories that I knew so far, and I know there might be lots! Haha need to find it by myself after this. Must do the listing!

1. Filofax, 

2. Erin Condren,


There are different isn't it? Give me 10 if you are with me. Hahaha shame on me! I love to plan what will be my next live event. I just don't know how to write nicely and neatly. Previously, I just write randomly on a piece of paper about present activity I wanted to do. The same thing I did on my wedding checklist which I know that was totally wrong! The important things must be written/recorded in proper and well-organized on a bundle of paper with tightly sealed which at least to be written in a book. I got one already, I used it for my merisik & bertunang event.

To me, these two events was not big as a wedding ceremony. So, I just used the same book for roughly idea that come out all of sudden which will be needed of course! However, I just got the new technique which I think it is something new that I must try. So, why not I go find and buy a new organizer platform which well-prepared by the expert.

So, lets find the suitable ones. Or just Google the design we like and custom-made it : ) So, that's all for this moment, Thank you for reading this entry guys! XOXO

* I just love to write one straight forward post rather than saying like an essay with less content.