A Place For My Head
Linkin Park
I watch how the moon sits in the sky in the dark night
Shining with the light from the sun
And the sun doesn't give light to the moon assuming
The moon’s gonna owe it one
It makes me think of how you act for me
You do favors and then rapidly
You just turn around and start asking me
About things that you want back from me
I’m sick of the tension, sick of the hunger
Sick of you acting like I owe you this
Find another place to feed your greed
While I find a place to rest
I want to be in another place
I hate when you say you don’t understand
(You’ll see it's not meant to be)
I want to be in the energy, not with the enemy
A place for my head
Maybe someday I’ll be just like you
And step on people like you do and
Run away of the people I thought I knew
I remember back then who you were
You used to be calm, used to be strong
Used to be generous but you should’ve known
That you’d wear out your welcome
And now you see how quiet it is, all alone
[Chorus (2x):]
I’m so sick of the tension, sick of the hunger
Sick of you acting like I owe you this
Find another place to feed your greed
While I find a place to rest
I want to be in another place
I hate when you say you don't understand
(You'll see it's not meant to be)
I want to be in the energy, not with the enemy
A place for my head
You try to take the best of me
Go away
I want to be in another place
I hate when you say you don't understand
(You'll see it's not meant to be)
I want to be in the energy, not with the enemy
A place for my head
Shut up....what!
I’m so sick of the tension (shut)
Sick of the hunger
Sick of you acting like I owe you this
Find another place to feed your greed (up)
While I find a place to rest
I’m so sick of the tension (what)
Sick of the hunger
Sick of you acting like I owe you this
Find another place to feed your greed (stay away from me)
While I find a place to rest
p/s: Used to hear this song when Im sleepy. It works on me Hahaha : D
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Monday, October 26, 2015
Planner or Schedule arrangement.
1. Filofax,
2. Erin Condren,
So, lets find the suitable ones. Or just Google the design we like and custom-made it : ) So, that's all for this moment, Thank you for reading this entry guys! XOXO
* I just love to write one straight forward post rather than saying like an essay with less content.
Being organized is something that I love and interested with. If the things did not turn like what I want it to be, there will be an event where I feel uncomfortable with. It will automatically turning my day into bad day just because my plan was not on its path. This is me. Jangan bermain dengan api. (Cewahh, acah2 je hahaha)
The October is nearly leaves us. How time flies isn't it? If Im not mistaken, my previous two posts was on the 18th! That's not the point, the point here is, I just got to know that our plan organizer or what we called it before as a diary has different types of categories and they even have their own names! Oh my goodness, how unacknowledged I am. Yeah! I feel worst! I thought 'the diary look' is just like a normal diary, they have name and its function actually.
Thanks to Dr Halina for acknowledge me, the one who is 'terlalu rajin' to read up. Take it as a lesson Zaa! Okay, here it is. There are three categories that I knew so far, and I know there might be lots! Haha need to find it by myself after this. Must do the listing!
1. Filofax,
2. Erin Condren,
There are different isn't it? Give me 10 if you are with me. Hahaha shame on me! I love to plan what will be my next live event. I just don't know how to write nicely and neatly. Previously, I just write randomly on a piece of paper about present activity I wanted to do. The same thing I did on my wedding checklist which I know that was totally wrong! The important things must be written/recorded in proper and well-organized on a bundle of paper with tightly sealed which at least to be written in a book. I got one already, I used it for my merisik & bertunang event.
To me, these two events was not big as a wedding ceremony. So, I just used the same book for roughly idea that come out all of sudden which will be needed of course! However, I just got the new technique which I think it is something new that I must try. So, why not I go find and buy a new organizer platform which well-prepared by the expert.
So, lets find the suitable ones. Or just Google the design we like and custom-made it : ) So, that's all for this moment, Thank you for reading this entry guys! XOXO
* I just love to write one straight forward post rather than saying like an essay with less content.
Summary of 'Bajet 2016'
Kat sini author (eceehhhh haha) nak share sikit pasal summary Bajet 2016. Dipetik dari sumber SINI. There you go guys. Happy reading and stay positive. Remember, pemimpin yang hebat akan terlahir daripada rakyatnya yang hebat. Continue reading below. : )
Bajet 2016 dibentangkan di Dewan Rakyat Parlimen Malaysia pada Jumaat 23 Oktober 2015 jam 4 petang oleh Perdana Menteri juga merangkap menteri kewangan, YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd. Najib Bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak
Tumpuan utama kerajaan dalam Bajet 2016 adalah menumpukan usaha mengukuhkan daya tahan ekonomi negara, mengurus impak kelemahan luaran serta melindungi kesejahteraan rakyat. Dalam pada itu, Bajet 2016 merupakan bajet pertama di bawah Rancangan Malaysia Ke-11 dan ia sangat penting sebagai penanda aras kepada hala tuju negara pada masa depan
Ramai pihak menyifatkan bajet 2016 adalah kritikal kerana ia merupakan belanjawan negara yang pertama dalam Rancangan Malaysia ke-11 (RMK-11) dan tahun pertama pelaksanaan cukai barang dan perkhidmatan (GST) dalam suasana ekonomi mencabar di dalam dan luar negara Sehubungan dengan itu, seluruh rakyat Malaysia sangat berharap kerajaan mengagihkan belanjawan secara bijaksana.
Berikut MYsumber sertakan ringkasan intipati penting kandungan Bajet 2016 yang akan dikemaskini sepanjang pembentangan berlangsung
Lima Tunjang Atau Strategi Utama Bajet 2016
Tema Bajet 2016: Mensejahtera Kehidupan Rakyat
Full Text 'Bajet 2016' PDF
Pautan Sumber: mysumber.com
Thank you for reading! & have a good day ahead ; ) wink wink.
Kat sini author (eceehhhh haha) nak share sikit pasal summary Bajet 2016. Dipetik dari sumber SINI. There you go guys. Happy reading and stay positive. Remember, pemimpin yang hebat akan terlahir daripada rakyatnya yang hebat. Continue reading below. : )
Bajet 2016 dibentangkan di Dewan Rakyat Parlimen Malaysia pada Jumaat 23 Oktober 2015 jam 4 petang oleh Perdana Menteri juga merangkap menteri kewangan, YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd. Najib Bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak
Tumpuan utama kerajaan dalam Bajet 2016 adalah menumpukan usaha mengukuhkan daya tahan ekonomi negara, mengurus impak kelemahan luaran serta melindungi kesejahteraan rakyat. Dalam pada itu, Bajet 2016 merupakan bajet pertama di bawah Rancangan Malaysia Ke-11 dan ia sangat penting sebagai penanda aras kepada hala tuju negara pada masa depan
Ramai pihak menyifatkan bajet 2016 adalah kritikal kerana ia merupakan belanjawan negara yang pertama dalam Rancangan Malaysia ke-11 (RMK-11) dan tahun pertama pelaksanaan cukai barang dan perkhidmatan (GST) dalam suasana ekonomi mencabar di dalam dan luar negara Sehubungan dengan itu, seluruh rakyat Malaysia sangat berharap kerajaan mengagihkan belanjawan secara bijaksana.
Berikut MYsumber sertakan ringkasan intipati penting kandungan Bajet 2016 yang akan dikemaskini sepanjang pembentangan berlangsung
Lima Tunjang Atau Strategi Utama Bajet 2016
- Memperteguh ketahanan ekonomi negara
- Meningkatkan produktiviti, inovasi dan teknologi hijau
- Mempersiaga modal insan
- Memperkasa agenda bumiputera
- Meringankan kos sara hidup rakyat
Tema Bajet 2016: Mensejahtera Kehidupan Rakyat
- Pembentangan Bajet 2016 memperuntukkan RM267.2 bilion berbanding peruntukan RM260.7 bilion yang dipinda bagi tahun ini (2015)
- Kerajaan bersedia melepaskan lagi pendapatan cukai GST terhadap beberapa barangan asas GST kadar sifar ke atas semua jenis ubat terkawal di bawah senarai Racun kumpulan A, B, C & D
- GST kadar sifar ke atas tmbahan 95 jenama ubat over-the-counter meliputi 30 penyakit seperti kanser, kencing manis, darah tinggi dan sakit jantung
- GST kadar sifar atas barangan makanan seperti susu bayi & kanak-kanak berasaskan kacang soya & susu organik
- Hampir 90 Peratus Sekolah Vokasional Dinaik Taraf Kepada Kolej Di Bawah Program Transformasi Pendidikan Vokasional
- Bantuan persekolahan RM100 tetap diteruskan. Bagaimanapun ia dikhususkan kepada isi rumah berpendapatan RM3,000 ke bawah
- Untuk peringkat kelas prasekolah, RM44.6j diperuntukkan untuk pelbagai program di 9,113 buah kelas seluruh Malaysia
- Program Baucar Buku 1Malaysia (BB1M) yang bernilai RM250 untuk pelajar IPT diteruskan, kaedah penebusan hanya di kedai-kedai buku yang diiktiraf
- Had maksima pelepasan cukai ke atas yuran pengajian pendidikan tinggi naik RM7,000 daripada RM5,000 setahun
- RM360 juta untuk tambah baik PLKN bagi 20,000 pelatih
- MARA diperuntuk RM3.7 bilion, termasuk menaja pengajian 72,000 pelajar Bumiputera di peringkat pendidikan tinggi
- Meningkatkan perkhidmatan Klinik Bergerak 1Malaysia di pendalaman Sabah dan Sarawak
- RM115 juta disediakan khusus bagi Program Khas Bumiputera Sabah & Sarawak
- TEKUN sediakan RM600 juta yang meliputi RM500 juta untuk usahawan Bumiputera dan RM100 juta untuk 10,000 usahawan India
- RM50 juta disediakan oleh SME Bank untuk membantu usahawan kecil India
- Tambahan RM200 juta kepada dana sedia ada untuk Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia, bagi kemudahan pembiayaan mikro kepada isi rumah B40
- RM100 juta disediakan di bawah Program Pembangunan Sosioekonomi Masyarakat India
- Tambahan RM90 juta sebagai pinjaman mikro kredit kepada penjaja dan peniaga-peniaga kecil kaum Cina
- Sebanyak RM300 juta disediakan bertujuan untuk kebajikan dan kemajuan masyarakat Orang Asli
- RM852 juta diperuntukan kepada RISDA &FELCRA untuk program peningkatan pendapatan dan produktiviti pesawah, pekebun kecil dan penoreh getah
- Membina 175,000 unit rumah oleh PR1MA, dijual 20% di bawah harga pasaran, dengan peruntukan RM1.6 bilion
- Membina 10,000 unit Rumah Mesra Rakyat oleh SPNB, dengan pemberian subsidi RM20,000 bagi seunit rumah
- Bina 100,000 rumah PPA1M, menjelang 2018 dengan harga di antara RM90,000- RM300,000
- Membina 22,300 unit pangsapuri dan 9,800 unit rumah teres di bawah Program Perumahan Rakyat oleh KPKT
- Skim Pembiayaan Deposit Rumah Pertama disediakan kepada pembeli untuk rumah mampu milik bagi bayaran deposit
- Membina 5,000 unit rumah PR1MA & PPA1M di 10 lokasi sekitar stesen & koridor LRT serta monorel RM150 juta bagi membina dan membaik pulih 11,000 rumah daif di kawasan luar bandar oleh KKLW
- Peruntukan hampir RM2 bilion kepada KPWKM untuk membantu golongan OKU, warga emas dan keluarga miskin
- RM180 juta disediakan bagi pengurusan bencana alam,
- RM730 juta bagi Projek Rancangan Tebatan Banjir
- RM50juta bagi tingkatkan langkah keselamatan penjara; RM20 juta untuk Program Bandar Selamat di 60 kawasan hitam
- Penambahan 500 unit Rondaan Bermotosikal PDRM & 500 unit kereta peronda dgn peruntukan keseluruhan
- RM35 juta SPRM akan terus dimantapkan. Bil pegawai SPRM akan ditambah ikut keperluan
- Beri faedah pemindahan gaji penjawat awam bersamaan 1 kenaikan gaji tahunan ikut gred yang akan manfaatkan 1.6 juta
- Menambah baik sebanyak 252 skim perkhidmatan yang akan memanfaatkan 406,000 penjawat awam
- Menetapkan gaji permulaan terendah dalam Perkhidmatan Awam kepada RM1,200 sebulan
- Menetapkan kadar pencen minimum RM950 sebulan
- Bagi isi rumah berpendapatan bulanan RM3,000 ke bawah, BR1M ditingkatkan daripada RM950 kepada RM1,000
- Bagi isi rumah berpendapatan antara RM3,001 hingga RM4,000, pemberian BR1M ditingkatkan daripada RM750 kepada RM800
- Bagi individu bujang 21 tahun ke atas, pendapatan tidak melebihi RM2,000 sebulan, pemberian BR1M ditingkatkan daripada RM350 kepada RM400
- BR1M 2016 Kategori baru diperkenalkan bagi penerima berada dalam senarai e-Kasih yang berpendapatan bulanan bawah RM1,000 akan menerima bantuan RM1,050
- Skim Khairat Kematian diterus pada BR1M 2016 dengan pemberian sebanyak RM1,000
- Skim Pembiayaan Deposit Rumah Pertama bagi individu yang belum memiliki rumah. Melalui skim ini, kerajaan akan membantu individu yang belum pernah memiliki rumah bagi mendapatkan bantuan deposit perumahan
- Had pelepasan cukai bagi setiap anak bawah 18 tahun mulai taksiran 2016, digandakan daripada RM1,000 kepada RM2,000
- Pelepasan cukai bagi pembayar individu yang pasangannya tidak punyai pendapatan, naik daripada RM3,000 kepada RM4,000
- Anak-anak yang menyara ibubapa, walaupun tinggal bersama, diberi pelepasan cukai RM1,500 masing-masing untuk ibu dan bapa
- Had pelepasan cukai naik daripada RM6,000 kepada RM8,000 bagi setiap anak 18 tahun ke atas yang sedang melanjutkan pengajian bagi 2016
- Berkuatkuasa 1 Julai 2016, gaji minimum negara dinaikkan daripada RM900 kepada RM1,000 sebulan bagi Semenanjung
- Gaji minimum Sabah, Sarawak, Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan dinaikkan kepada RM920 bagi semua sektor kecuali perkhidmatan domestik/pmbantu rumah
- Penjawat awam akan terima pemberian khas RM500 pada Januari 2016
- Pesara Kerajaan akan menerima bayaran bantuan khas sebanyak RM250
Full Text 'Bajet 2016' PDF
Pautan Sumber: mysumber.com
Thank you for reading! & have a good day ahead ; ) wink wink.
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Want to be loved
Hanya Ingin Kau Cinta
Di dalam hati ini aku menangis
Seiring satu luka yang telah kau beri
Kau tinggalkan ku sakitiku
Sungguh ku tak percaya semua yang terjadi
Kau tinggalkan diriku dalam air mata
Tanpa kau merasakan sakit yang ku rasa
Sungguh terlalu dirimu kekasih
Biar aku pergi tanpa sisa cinta
Aku hanyalah lelaki yang selalu ingin engkau cinta
Bukan untuk disakiti hatinya
Perih menahan lelah yang tak terkira oh
Aku hanyalah setitis embun dalam perihnya cinta
Tenggelam dalam rejam duka yang ada
Selalu kalah di dalam bercinta oh
Aku hanyalah lelaki yang selalu ingin engkau cinta
Bukan untuk disakiti hatinya
Perih menahan lelah yang tak terkira oh
Aku hanyalah setitis embun dalam perihnya cinta
Tenggelam dalam rejam duka yang ada
Selalu kalah di dalam bercinta oh
Di dalam hati ini aku menangis
Hanya Ingin Kau Cinta
Di dalam hati ini aku menangis
Seiring satu luka yang telah kau beri
Kau tinggalkan ku sakitiku
Sungguh ku tak percaya semua yang terjadi
Kau tinggalkan diriku dalam air mata
Tanpa kau merasakan sakit yang ku rasa
Sungguh terlalu dirimu kekasih
Biar aku pergi tanpa sisa cinta
Aku hanyalah lelaki yang selalu ingin engkau cinta
Bukan untuk disakiti hatinya
Perih menahan lelah yang tak terkira oh
Aku hanyalah setitis embun dalam perihnya cinta
Tenggelam dalam rejam duka yang ada
Selalu kalah di dalam bercinta oh
Aku hanyalah lelaki yang selalu ingin engkau cinta
Bukan untuk disakiti hatinya
Perih menahan lelah yang tak terkira oh
Aku hanyalah setitis embun dalam perihnya cinta
Tenggelam dalam rejam duka yang ada
Selalu kalah di dalam bercinta oh
Di dalam hati ini aku menangis
Thursday, October 01, 2015
Paramore - Still Into You
"Still Into You"
Can't count the years on one hand
That we've been together
I need the other one to hold you
Make you feel, make you feel better
It's not a walk in the park
To love each other
But when our fingers interlock,
Can't deny, can't deny you're worth it
'Cause after all this time I'm still into you
I should be over all the butterflies
But I'm into you (I'm into you)
And baby even on our worst nights
I'm into you (I'm into you)
Let 'em wonder how we got this far
'Cause I don't really need to wonder at all
Yeah, after all this time I'm still into you
Recount the night that
I first met your mother
And on the drive back to my house
I told you that, I told you that I loved ya
You felt the weight of the world
Fall off your shoulder
And to your favorite song
We sang along to the start of forever
And after all this time I'm still into you
I should be over all the butterflies
But I'm into you (I'm into you)
And baby even on our worst nights
I'm into you (I'm into you)
Let 'em wonder how we got this far
'Cause I don't really need to wonder at all
Yeah, after all this time I'm still into you
Some things just, some things just make sense
And one of those is you and I (Hey)
Some things just, some things just make sense
And even after all this time (Hey)
I'm into you, baby, not a day goes by
That I'm not into you
I should be over all the butterflies
But I'm into you (I'm into you)
And baby even on our worst nights
I'm into you (I'm into you)
Let 'em wonder how we got this far
'Cause I don't really need to wonder at all
Yeah, after all this time
I'm still into you
I'm still into you
I'm still into you
Thank you for reading this entry! :)
Can't count the years on one hand
That we've been together
I need the other one to hold you
Make you feel, make you feel better
It's not a walk in the park
To love each other
But when our fingers interlock,
Can't deny, can't deny you're worth it
'Cause after all this time I'm still into you
I should be over all the butterflies
But I'm into you (I'm into you)
And baby even on our worst nights
I'm into you (I'm into you)
Let 'em wonder how we got this far
'Cause I don't really need to wonder at all
Yeah, after all this time I'm still into you
Recount the night that
I first met your mother
And on the drive back to my house
I told you that, I told you that I loved ya
You felt the weight of the world
Fall off your shoulder
And to your favorite song
We sang along to the start of forever
And after all this time I'm still into you
I should be over all the butterflies
But I'm into you (I'm into you)
And baby even on our worst nights
I'm into you (I'm into you)
Let 'em wonder how we got this far
'Cause I don't really need to wonder at all
Yeah, after all this time I'm still into you
Some things just, some things just make sense
And one of those is you and I (Hey)
Some things just, some things just make sense
And even after all this time (Hey)
I'm into you, baby, not a day goes by
That I'm not into you
I should be over all the butterflies
But I'm into you (I'm into you)
And baby even on our worst nights
I'm into you (I'm into you)
Let 'em wonder how we got this far
'Cause I don't really need to wonder at all
Yeah, after all this time
I'm still into you
I'm still into you
I'm still into you
On this special day, I want to make one confession. I do appreciate people around me. It was like if you saw me like not INTO you at that time, Im sorry. It takes time for me to adapt with the environment that full of crowd around me. As I am born as the only child, Im quite 'anti-social people look' at the first sight, but trust me when you're getting to know me inside out, I bet you'll regret knowing me as part of your life hahaha :P
Don't worry, in my principle of life everyday is learning process. So, I'm still learning to be a better person. If my acting is not just as you like, tell me so that I can improve it. Why do I wrote this thing in the middle of night pun I just don't get it haha. Gian nak menulis tu dah datang, dalam 1 hari boleh sampai 10 posts kalau nak tahu. Baca lah korang sampai lebam. Apa orang kata tu, spam Google Plus timeline. Muahahah :D Okaylah, since tomorrow I have planned to go out with the important person, I need to sleep and wake up early as I feel 24 todayy ;) *wink wink. Enough for today.
Thank you for reading this entry! :)
New Obsession - Dark Lipstick Color Code Hahaha :D
Assalamualaikum October! Huehuehue :))
And enough for this post. Thank you for reading this entry! :)
My second post for today. This is damn cool you know. Look at the color, very stunning and extra hot babe! I do fall in love with dark color of lipstick especially from Jeffree Star Cosmetics, Unicorn Blood. How do I got the information? It's from Nana Mahazan (AF1). I saw her selfie's photo wearing dark red lipstick and immediately ask her what is the color code for her lipstick, only then she's updating the photo's caption.
After that, I exposed my excited feeling about my new obsession to my best friend girl and she's showing me another brand of the ultra best color called Anastasia Beverly Hills. Look at the color, really beautiful. Especially Trust Issues. Did you notice that? Hahaha :D I want to grab 1 but I do have the question about the halal ingredient that is used in the lipstick. So, I need to do some searching on its halal issues. In Islam, the halal or clean from any non Muslim used to have (on certain part) is the main important thing to make sure our selves is clean. Islam means clean, sacred, from any dirt that was supposed to be. Anyhow, the color really made my day. I want to buy 1. I already have the bright red color as you know that time was bright red color obsession muahahah :D
Done for mini new obsession of mine. I dont know how I get to use the second language of my country in these two posts. Perhaps, it comes from the Catatan Matluthfi that I had read before. Mihs mihs mihs. Thanks Mat! Your little catatan really compact and full of knowledge that comes from inner side of yours. Not many of people in the world have the confidence to do the things as you did. Even tho all human are born equally, that might be something that really make you special from others. This is what my fiance told me. He says, every human have their unique character. Go and find it! #notetoself
And enough for this post. Thank you for reading this entry! :)
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